I just want to share a key learning from an extensive study that Drew conducted from 50 recent MAFW crashes.   This is extremely important under very cold or hot conditions. If a rider feels that he or she can’t continue with the ride please have someone accompany the rider back to the start.   On a recent ride Vinny and I were leading a ride from Denville and were prepared to shorten the ride if rain and wind came earlier than predicted.   We kept the riders together and regrouped as necessary and were prepared to go back as a group.

 Key Learnings from the review would include:

  • The data associated with the 50 incidents support the MAFW Club Motto that emphasizes that riding as a group is safer than riding alone.
    • All 50 reflect the support provided by other riders during these incidents.
    • 44 reflect situations that could happen whether riding as a group or alone … only 6 of the 50 involved rider to rider collisions.

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