Club Store closes on December 29, order your new gear for the new year

Just a reminder that our Club Store (through Pactimo) closes on December 29th.  You can link to the club store from the club website, and this link should work as well:

In addition to the traditional jerseys, there are shorts and bibs, arm warmers, gloves, and even a ball cap!

Items will be shipped directly to your home, estimated arrival in mid-February.

New Year, New MAFW Bike Gear!

Tour de France One Day Ahead is speaker topic for Biennial meeting; time to register

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride a Stage of the Tour de France?  How about wondering what it would be like to ride every mile, every stage, one day ahead of the pros?  Well here is your chance to find out!  Basking Ridge resident Paul Harradine will share his experiences from the 2022 event with us at the MAFW Biennial meeting on November 2.

If you haven’t already done so, this would be a great time to register for the meeting (and our club election).  Here is the EventBrite link:

See you Wednesday!

Loose Dogs Near Loantaka (and another Biennial meeting reminder)

Yesterday one of our MAFW members was chased and knocked down by two loose dogs.  The incident happened on Spring Valley Road, between Van Beuren and Blue Mill Rd.  Fortunately our club member was not seriously injured, but her bicycle and helmet were destroyed.  And the nearby cars (one behind her and one oncoming) reacted quickly and didn’t hit her as she fell in the middle of the road.

The dogs were described as brindle coat, either pit bull or boxer breeds. They came out from a property with a split rail fence and pine trees.  Unfortunately the dogs did a “hit and run”, so it isn’t clear who they belong to.

Please be alert while cycling on Spring Valley Road.  If you see loose dogs, take every action you can to avoid them.  And, as we advise with cars that are acting irresponsibly, get pictures or video if you can do so safely.

Since you have read this far, here is another reminder to register for the Biennial meeting:

And, if you want to look at the bylaws with the proposed amendments, here’s a link:

Happy Halloween!

MAFW Election Day is November 2 time to register for the Biennial Meeting

Next week we turn the calendar page to November.  Our MAFW Biennial meeting is November 2.  In addition to our election, we will be voting on Bylaws changes to streamline the governance of the club.

Please register for the meeting using EventBrite:

What Changes are Proposed for the MAFW ByLaws and Why?

  1. Allow voting to take place using any mechanism approved by the State of New Jersey for Organizations. Currently our bylaws REQUIRE in person voting at the biennial meeting.  The Board would like the flexibility to use electronic or other secure means of voting for MAFW elections, changes to bylaws, and any other issue that requires a vote of the general membership.
  2. Eliminate the requirement for a Ride Planning Committee and a Social Committee. The Ride Planning Committee is no longer needed.  Historically, it selected the rides for the month, and then there was a search (yes, this used to be via pen and paper in parking lots after rides, and then later by an Excel spreadsheet emailed to all ride leaders) for ride leaders.  Now, ride leaders can select and schedule rides via the website, so the Ride Planning Committee is no longer needed.  The club continues to have social events, and there is a Social Coordinator, but we do not feel there is a requirement for a standing social committee.
  3. Reduce the size of the nominating committee from 5 to 3 persons. The nominating committee works to identify candidates for elected positions of the club.  A 5 person committee has been a challenge, both in terms of finding 5 persons able to serve, and in terms of coordinating meetings between them.  We feel that 3 persons (at least one from the Board and at least one from the general membership) is sufficient and can work more efficiently.
  4. Change the structure of the Board to reduce the number of elected positions. There are many functions that we all agree the club needs to have, but that don’t necessarily need to be elected positions.  Being in an elected position requires that the individual attend all Board meetings.  The current Board size (15) is large for the size and complexity of the organization.

Each member of the Current Board was asked whether they felt their position should be ELECTED or APPOINTED, and their opinion on the overall structure of the Board.  After much discussion, the Board agreed that the following positions would move from being ELECTED (and involved in club governance) to APPOINTED (carrying out essential functions for the club, but no longer involved in club governance):

Social Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator, Bicycle Adventures Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, Web Content Manager.

This change allows flexibility, in that one person can do more than one role, something that the current bylaws do not allow. In order to keep an odd number of voting positions on the Board, the role of At Large Member has been created.

All members who are candidates for these positions are aware that, if this bylaws change is accepted, their role will be an APPOINTED ROLE, and not a governance role.  If the bylaws change is not accepted, they will serve in an elected position.

As a reminder, here is the Candidate list:

Governance Positions:

PresidentJoe Reo
Vice PresidentPaul Malinowski
SecretaryJessica Simpson
TreasurerMerritt Peterson
Ride CoordinatorManny Coelho
MembershipBetsy Eastwood
SafetyDrew Thraen
ITJon Eiseman
Past PresidentLiz Jennison
At LargeMark Jay


Positions that will be Appointed

SocialJohn Storey
MarketingTracy Brown
NewsletterPat Kipp
AdventuresRoy Fischman
Web ContentPete Nevins

Now is a good time to register for MAFW fall events!

It is Sunday evening, and your weekend is winding down.  Perhaps you got in a nice bike ride yesterday or today…  And perhaps you are thinking about a nice bike ride next Sunday…. And how hungry you will be after that ride…  And wouldn’t it be great if there just happened to be a picnic after that bike ride???  Well you are in luck.  With a few clicks of your mouse you can register for a MAFW ride next Sunday via the club website, and then hop on over to EventBrite to sign up for the picnic (Sunday October 23 at Pickell Park) :

It would be really good idea to bring your bike, helmet, and other bike gear to the bike ride.  And a fantastic idea to bring a dish to share to the picnic. We also need a few volunteers to help with the set up for the picnic; especially someone who is not planning to ride and can keep hungry beasts away from our food while Drew, our Safety Coordinator, goes to pick up the Fried Chicken.  If you can help out, please drop Drew a line (

November means the end of evening rides, as our late day light fades (and then vanishes with the time change).  We can all commiserate about this over coffee and cookies at the MAFW Biennial meeting, November 2 at 7 pm (meeting room in the Hills, directions on the registration link).  To ensure we have enough cookies for all, please register for the event:

Not only will the Biennial meeting feature cookies, but we will hold our MAFW Election.  And, we will have a special presentation by Basking Ridge resident Paul Harradine on “how I spent my summer vacation”.  Well Paul spent his summer vacation riding every mile of every stage of the Tour de France one day before the Tour pros!  And yes, Paul is a regular guy, with a normal family and a real job!

We round out the month of October with the annual Milestone party and lunch (October 26th) .  We have a new location Annabella Italian Ristorante, 144 Main Street, Whitehouse Station.  For this event, please register with Pat Kipp ( by the 23rd.  If you are celebrating a milestone birthday (increments of 5 years, starting at age 50) your lunch is free.  Everyone else pays $20 cash at the event.

Since the Milestone party is near Pickell Park, the morning rides before will also be from Pickell Park.  RIDE LEADERS:  We need a few of you to schedule rides from Pickell Park for that morning.  Choose your distance and pace so that the rides will finish around 12 noon.  The lunch is at 12:30 pm.

See you at an upcoming MAFW Event!

Liz Jennison, MAFW President

New date for MAFW Fall picnic: October 23

Thanks to quick thinking on the part of our Social Coordinator, we have secured a new date for our MAFW Fall picnic.  The picnic will be on Sunday October 23rd, at Pickell Park.

Since we have created a new listing in EventBrite, you will need to sign up again, even if you had signed up for the rained out picnic scheduled for yesterday.  The picnic is free (and you can bring a guest), but please sign up so we know how many people to expect. You can register here.

As we had already planned, the club will provide fried chicken, but everyone is expected to bring a dish based on their last name.

People whose last name starts with:

A-FPlease bring a salad
G-OPlease bring an appetizer
P-ZPlease bring a main dish

Manny and his fellow ride leaders will put together a full ride schedule for the day of the picnic, with rides at all paces between Casual and B+ .  There should be a ride for anyone who is interested….

And for those celebrating milestone birthdays this year, the Milestone Party is scheduled for Wednesday, October 26th at Annabella Ristorante in Whitehouse Station.  The party is free for “milestoners” and $20 for all others.  Please RSVP to Pat Kipp by Friday, October 21st.  (

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for good weather on October 23.  And remember to sign up for the ride you plan to do in addition to signing up for the picnic.

Liz Jennison, MAFW President

Picnic Cancelled

Hello MAFW Members:

We have decided to cancel the Fall Picnic due to the forecast of rain on Sunday. We are looking into other social activities for the fall and winter months.

Don’t forget to sign up for the fall picnic

Hello MAFW Members:

If you are planning to attend the Fall picnic at Pickell Park on Sunday, October 2nd, please register for the event using EventBrite. The picnic is free, but we would like an accurate count of attendees, so please register. And remember to bring food to share…..

Manny and his fellow ride leaders have put together a full ride schedule for the day of the picnic. If interested please sign up for one of the rides.

Upcoming Events

Hello MAFW Members:

If you are planning to attend the Fall picnic at Pickell Park on Sunday, October 2nd, please register for the event using EventBrite.  The picnic is free, but we would like an accurate count of attendees, so please register by Wednesday, Sept 28.  And remember to bring food to share…..

People whose last name starts with:

A-FPlease bring a salad
G-OPlease bring an appetizer
P-ZPlease bring a main dish

Fried chicken will be provided by the club for day of picnic. Looking for 5 people to bring HOMEMADE (NOT STORE BOUGHT) dessert of your choice that will feed 20 people. If you bring the dessert you will not bring the item based on your last name. Please respond to me via text 908-227-7692  or email Also looking for volunteers to help set up, cover tables with tablecloths and man the picnic site while folks ride. Need someone to pick up fried chicken at 11:00am. Greatly appreciate help on the above. Feel free to contact me, Mary Nacius, at 908-227-7692 or for any questions. Thank you in advance for your help.

Manny and his fellow ride leaders have put together a full ride schedule for the day of the picnic, with rides at all paces between Casual and B+ .  There should be a ride for anyone who is interested….

And for those celebrating milestone birthdays this year, the Milestone Party is scheduled for Wednesday, October 26th at Annabella Ristorante in Whitehouse Station.  The party is free for “milestoners” and $20 for all others.  Please RSVP to Pat Kipp by Friday, October 21st.  (

MAFW BOD Nominatations

Dear Fellow MAFW Members,

I’m very pleased to advise that the Nominating Committee has completed their task by submitting a list of candidates.  The candidate list is as follows:

PresidentJay Reo
Vice PresidentPaul Malinowski
SecretaryJessica Simpson
TreasurerMerritt Peterson
Ride CoordinatorManny Coelho
Membership CoordinatorBetsy Eastwood
Safety CoordinatorDrew Thraen
IT CoordinatorJon Eiseman
Web Content ManagerPete Nevins
Social CoordinatorJohn Storey
MarketingTracy Brown
Newsletter EditorPat Kipp
Bike AdventuresRoy Fischman
Member at LargeMark Jay

Additional candidates may be nominated by petition, with a minimum of twenty five (25) signatures of valid Club members. Nominating petitions must be submitted to the Secretary no later than October 1st in order for them to be validated and published on the Club web site no later than October 15. No nominations will be accepted from the floor at the time of the election at the biennial meeting in November.