I just reserved my room for Roy’s Penn Dutch Ride for June 23 to 25 at the Bird-In-Hand Inn.  Great place with much to do even if you don’t ride.  More information on the MAFW website as well as some scheduled rides.  More rides will be listed.  Lancaster Bike Club will be supplying ride leaders. After registering with the hotel and booking on the website please also sign up on the MAFW schedule.

Roy has reserved a block of rooms for us but you need to sign up tomorrow since he loses the remaining rooms after tomorrow.  There are only 4 rooms left in his reserved block and all other rooms in the hotel are booked.  That weekend is very popular so don’t wait.  The hotel has an indoor and a big outdoor pool as well as a hot tub so bring that bathing suit.  You do have the ability to cancel without cost 24 hours before the weekend.

Thanks, Manny


Picnic is set for this Saturday May 13.  If you sign up for the picnic, be sure to go to the ride schedule and sign up for one of our rides.  Picnic is at Lot C and all rides will start from Lot C.  Cue sheets are set to start from Howe that is ~1/2 mile from Lot C on Colonial Drive.  Ride leaders should be able to make the easy adjustment.

For the C+ riders I had to switch your ride to #890 since the bridge is still out on Dutchtown Zion and the alternative of turning onto Dutchtown to Pin Oak has a section of gravel.  You will be following the B riders,

For casual riders I set up a ride where you can follow the D riders and turn around at Griggstown for a 15 mile ride.  Alternative if you have the proper bike is to switch to the D&R towpath at Griggstown and return to Colonial Park via the tow path.

While at Colonial Park be sure to visit the Van der Goot Rose Garden in the western part of the park off Mettlers.


Spring Picnic signup

Please sign up to attend the Spring picnic. The link is here:

Once on that page click on the “SIGNUP NOW” button. Then select the number of people attending (under Spaces) and then click, on the “SEND YOUR BOOKING” button.


Just a reminder that there is still time to sign up for Roy’s Penn Dutch Ride.  We will be riding in the Lancaster area with support from the Lancaster Bike Club.  Can’t beat the accommodations at the Bird in Hand Inn with indoor and outdoor pools and a hot tub for your sore muscles.  Roy has secured rooms in the hotel until May 23. For more details check out the MAFW calendar of events.



To promote safety, we have started a monthly safety topic program.  Encourage feedback.

Attached below is the May monthly safety topic to go over with your riders as part of your safety talk.

BE VISIBLE Crashes between cyclists and motorists continue to increase. Many crashes occur because the motorist didn’t see the cyclist. What can you do to be more visible? Wear brightly colored clothing / Wear a brightly colored helmet / Use bright flashing lights (on front of your bike + red light on the rear of your bike) – modern LED lights are very visible even in full daylight.

Thanks, Manny


During future rides please mention to your riders that Ramble still needs volunteers.  There are ~50 open roles and the top (4) needs are:
  • Safety – (10) needed
  • Drew Site Mgmt – (7) needed
  • Rest Stops – (6) needed
  • Photography – (6) needed
To sign up as a volunteers go the Revolutionary Ramble website. Thanks, Manny


NEW CASUAL RIDES EVERY Wednesday starting May 3rd from LOANTAKA Park, South Street, Morristown.
Calling members and non-members to try our casual rides beginning at 10-15 miles at a pace of 7-9 miles per hour.  Anyone interested please call Gloria Friedman for more info and help with signing up for the rides on our website.  Call at 973-886-9662 and I will be sure to return your call.


Tomorrow Sunday is our Spring Kickoff.  If you are coming be sure to sign up on the website and go to the schedule to sign up for one of our rides.

Thanks, Manny


Just a reminder to go to the MAFW website and sign up for the Sunday April 16 Spring Kickoff.   After signing up be sure to go the ride schedule and sign up for a ride.  The kickoff is this Sunday, and we need a headcount so please sign up.

The Ride Leader and Volunteer Party is set for 5/18. Go to the website to sign up and to get details.

5/13 is the Spring Picnic at Colonial Park.  The official signup is not set up yet.

Thanks, Manny