I just want to point out one day ride and two weekend rides that are coming up.

TOUR DE FRANKLIN April 30.  Great ride that supports the local Franklin Food Bank. Several distances to choose and there are rest stops with refreshments.

SPRING-N2-CYCLING WEEKEND May 19-21.  This event is run by the Philadelphia Bike Club(PBC) that also ran the Fall weekend ride at Hanover, Pa near Gettysburg.  A few MAFW riders attended the Fall ride and we had a great time.  PBC reserved all rooms at 2 hotels for cyclists that weekend and still had a waiting list.  For the Spring ride PBC reserved the entire Best Western at Lewisburg, Pa.  I will be attending this event and there are rides for all ride levels.

ROY’S PENN DUTCH RIDE June 23-25.  Once again our Roy Fischman is running this weekend ride near Lancaster.   This is a great trip even if you are not cycling since there is so much to do in the area and at the hotel.  Lancaster Bike Club will support this event by setting up rides.

Check the Calendar under Members for more information on these rides and to register.

Regards, Manny


Seth Cohen has taken the time to set up a series of training rides that will be posted on the ride schedule and supported by Xue Li and Mike Shapanka.  Thanks to Seth for setting this up.

Below is the proposed schedule for TB training series. The primary ride will be Tuesday evenings; Thursday evenings will be for rain dates and/or a second session if people want, assuming a ride leader is available.


WeekDayDateStart TimeRoute #Route NameDistanceTerrainProgramPaceSweep/No Drop?Ride Leader
1Tuesday4/4/20235:15 PM973Pluckemin-Along Mill Rivers-Short25C+Group riding basics/Getting the rust offTB-YesSeth Cohen
2Tuesday4/11/20235:15 PM1023Pluckemin-Pottersville Cut and Paste27C+Riding in a pacelineTBYesSeth Cohen
3Tuesday4/18/20235:30 PM298A Few Roads Less Travelled 231BClimbing and riding in a paceline longTBYesXue Li
4Tuesday4/25/20235:30 PM457Pluckemin-Mountainville 230C+SprintingTBYesSeth Cohen/Mike Shapanka
5Tuesday5/2/20235:30 PM1099The Whole Enchilada31BClimbingTBYesSeth Cohen
6Tuesday5/9/20235:30 PM1108Hub Hollow & Back32C+Riding in a rotating pacelineTBYesSeth Cohen
7Tuesday5/16/20235:30 PM998Pluckemin: A Few Roads Less Traveled33BPutting it all togetherTB+NoSeth Cohen
8Tuesday5/23/20235:30 PM282Stanton Roundabout (School Rd)35CFull speed finaleTB+NoSeth Cohen


To Morris Area Freewheelers,

Spring is here and time to take your bike out of Winter storage although many of us continued to ride thru the Winter.  MAFW had an active Winter with ~100 rides.  Looking forward to an active cycling season.  In April we will have a Spring kickoff and we will soon send out details.

Jon Eiseman has continued to improve our website.  After you log on go to Members > Calendar you will find an extensive list of cycling events run by other organizations.  This weekend is the “Hell of Hunterdon”.  Some of us already signed up for “Tour de Franklin”.  “Spellbound” last year closed to registration at this time.



I just want to point out some great rides by other organizations:

1-TOUR DE FRANKLIN April 30, 2023


This ride benefits the Franklin Food Bank and starts from Franklin High School near Colonial Park.  They feed you at start, at end and during the ride.  There are 5 on-road events (62-mile, 40-mile, 25-mile, 10-mile, and 5-mile) that tour scenic Franklin and Hillsborough townships, and two “Canal” events that utilize the towpath along the D&R Canal. Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going but you need to register on the Tour de Franklin website.  Nice to get a big group from MAFW with our MAFW jerseys so we can attract new members.


May 19-21, 2023. BCP’s annual Spring-n2-Cycling Weekend in the Susquehanna Valley of PA, staying at the large and attractive Best Western Inn in Lewisburg. This event is an all-inclusive package – Friday & Saturday night hotel stay, scenic cycling routes for a wide variety of distances, group rides with leaders, meals, snacks, parties, live music, and more. The area around Lewisburg has off-road trails, in addition to picturesque road cycling. If you are interested in going please contact me at mannyt66@gmail.com.

3-PA DUTCH RIDE June 23-25, 2023.  See our website for more info and how to register.  Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going.

4-BON TON ROULET July 22-29,2023 https://bontonroulet.com/  This is a 7 day bike ride thru the Finger Lakes of New York. Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going but you need to register on the Bon Ton Roulet website.

5-2023 SPELLBOUND – July 29,2023 https://www.spellboundcentury.org/ The 9th annual Spellbound Century road bike event takes place in Mount Holly, Burlington County, NJ where you ride by local horse farms and historic towns on mostly flat roads and some challenging rolling hills. The ride starts from historic Mount Holly, NJ, the County seat of Burlington County. Last year this ride had ~1500 riders and ride was sold out in March.  Rides range from 20 to 100 miles.  Go to website for more information.  Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going but you need to register on the Spellbound website.


To all MAFW riders,

Below are 2 cycling events that I want to highlight.

BON TON ROULET 2023  JULY 22-29 The Bon Ton Roulet is a seven-day bicycle tour through the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State. Fully supported tour takes cyclists from wide-open farm fields, past stunning overlooks of our lakes to cavernous water-carved gorges, National Historic Sites, and award-winning wineries.  Registration starts Jan 9 and is open to only 350 cyclists.  Website below:


SPELLBOUND 2023  JULY 29 This a one day ride from Mount Holly and is limited to 1500 cyclists.  This is the biggest cycling event in South Jersey and registration is open.  Last year this event sold out in March. Website below:




First of all, Happy New Year and looking forward to a great and safe cycling year.  We are only 2 days into 2023 and already we have had 7 rides thanks to the warm weather.

MILEAGE LOG-On our website select Rides and then More Ride Info and you will find Mileage Log that you can use to keep track of your rides for 2023.  Also, under Rides is Rides I Rode that lists rides you rode or led over last few years.

ROAD CLOSURES-There have been 2 road closures that affect many of our rides.  I am happy to report that you can now ride around Round Valley since they finally completed the dam project.  Also, the bridge on Mill Rd near the Readington Dairy is passable for bikes, not cars.

CANCELING FROM A RIDE-Just a reminder that if you sign up for a ride but then change your mind, please cancel yourself from the ride as soon as you can.  This is a courtesy to your fellow riders and ride leader.

BECOMING A RIDE LEADER-If you are interested in becoming a ride leader it is a simple process and an opportunity to give back to MAFW.  Recommend first that you shadow a ride leader for a couple of rides and ask that ride leader what being a ride leader involves.  Then you can contact me, and I will make you a ride leader.  There is a very informative ride leader handbook to review and help you.

RIDE QUESTIONS-If new to MAFW and have any questions about MAFW feel free to contact me. This also applies to all members.

Happy New Year,

Manny, MAFW Ride Coordinator


With the cold weather upon us and you want to get into skiing I recommend checking out the Watchung Amateur Ski Club (WASC).  There are several members of MAFW that belong to WASC that has day and weekend trips and is family oriented.  We have Thursday meetings where you can learn more about WASC. Check out our schedule.


However, don’t put your bike away.  As long as weather permits we will continue to have winter rides.

Ride safely and warm,



International Bike Trip to Denia, Spain

Lou Blanco and Jay Marowitz are coordinating a one week (3/11/23-3/18/23) trip to Denia, Spain. The bike event price which includes 2 meals per day and hotel is very reasonable (see below).  Singles or doubles are available. Of course, transportation and bike hires are extra.

Denia is a bike friendly area where a lot of cycling teams train. Here’s a bunch of articles about biking in Denia, Spain.

At the end of the biking tour, Lou and I will be driving 4+ hours to Barcelona from which you can get a 1-hop flight back to Newark.
We decided to go site-seeing in Barcelona for a few extra days. You can also get a multi-hop flight back from the nearest airport, Alicante (ALC).  The Barcelona trip and or stayover would be optional, but everyone is welcome to do this as well. Anyone interested can contact either one of us and we’ll work out the details.

To clarify, the options are:
Do the bike trip and one of these options.
1. fly back from the nearest airport, ALC, or
2. drive to Barcelona and immediately fly back from there, or
3. drive to Barcelona, stay a few days, and fly back

We can probably work out more than one scenario depending what they are.

The biking is for one week, 3/11/23-3/18/23, at Denia on the Costa Blanca, on the East coast of Spain, hosted by People Cycling.  An English chap who moved to Denia and who has been running this ride for a few years will be our host.

The riding is listed as Moderate difficulty with average rides about 40 mi. The average temperature is 68F in March and it’s usually dry. The Denia landscape is dominated by a castle and other historical structures.There are significant Iberian ruins on the hillsides nearby as well. Read more.

The costs are 695 (USD + $50.00 ride fee), bike rental (about $150) plus transportation. See details below.

Meals: Breakfast and evening meal are included, as well as drinks with the evening meal.
Meals are buffet style, with a wide choice each day. Lunches, drinks and other food during the ride are not included.

Transport: Transfers for you, your bike and luggage from Alicante airport and back are included. Air fare is not included.

Go to: https://www.peoplecycling.org and join/login to Peoples Cycling (it’s free), then check out the ride details here.

Bicycle Hire: Bicycle hire is available from local businesses in Dénia. There are several bicycle shops in the area, providing a range of road and mountain bikes, including e-bikes. The People Cycling host will coordinate and assist in hiring bicycles, but the contract will be between you and the cycle hire business.

Lou Blanco (loublanco@gmail.com) and Jay Marowitz (freewheeljay@gmail.com) are coordinating club members wishing to join the trip. Contact either for details.


Attached is the final ride leader award report for 2021/2022.  I highlighted ride leaders who earned ride leader award for 2021/2022.  Let me know if there are any issues.



Ride Leader Report – Morris Area Freewheelers
LeaderLed RidesCanceled Rides
Sal Rizzo6716
Jeff Sperling608
Andy Milstein429
Barry Seip367
Sam (Sumant) Chandiramani314
John Parsekian275
Les Garber263
John Storey2410
Eric Lavitsky231
Arlene Whalen232
madeleine roese203
Tracy Brown161
Tom Flatley160
Manuel Coelho152
Len Friedman152
Tony Fanelli151
Christopher Hartmann140
Vinny Catanzaro140
Susan Smyth147
Jan Gorban141
Dennis Sinauskas132
Lynda DeLuca133
Richard Poore132
Drew Thraen125
George Diamantidis120
Joseph Reo123
Michael Shapanka126
Michael Chenkin1211
Barbara Delaney120
Mark Baumeister120
Paul Malinowski122
Seth Cohen123
George Ebel120
Arnie Cohen121
Jay Marowitz122
Noreen Drucker121
Kathleen Caccavale114
Helene Motyka101
David Drescher96
Marty Siegel90
Fred Bennett92
Roy Fischman81
Paul Malarcher83
Petra Strickland70
Marvin Schwinder71
Michael Regan60
Gregory Stec62
Jim Nielsen53
Betsy Eastwood52
Bobby Ebel40
Lou Blanco40
Mario Pompeo40
Len Sanders44
Martha (Marty) Pratt30
Michael Cloidt31
Mariann Mann30
Ed Steinman31
Chaim Nudell30
Elizabeth Jennison31
Tom Beringer20
Dave Hall20
Jim Williams22
Muffin Williams20
Artur Holl20
Maurice Alvarez21
Larry Grossman21
Jack Brohal21
Valerie Cole12
Glenn Sutton10
Merritt Peterson11
Alex Cefalu10
Scott Raschke10
Xue Li10
Lisa Gentile10
Craig Levin11
Michael Swearingen10
Jim Barnish10
Carl Wheeldon10
Bob Warren10
Mark Jay12
Doug Gardner10
Greg Bassett12
George Decker10
Andy Boulcott01
mark brumbaugh01
Luise Neilson02
Mark Fischer01
Pam Gregory01