DID YOU KNOW… That last year the Ramble raised over $20,000 of donatable funds for charities (including volunteer rescue squads)?

As a member of the Morris Area Freewheelers we need your help in making the 2024 Ramble a success by volunteering to help.

IF you’ve already signed up as a volunteer – THANK YOU.

IF not, please take one minute to sign up by simply clicking here to volunteer: https://ramblestuff.org/

Family, friends, non-club members are all welcome to volunteer – – please help recruit volunteers!

Sincerely,  Manny Coelho

RE: URGENT – – MAFW Ride Leaders’ Call-to-Action

The Rev Ramble is only (5) weeks away – – the Ramble’s success depends on each one of us.

This is a key marketing event for the MAFW club – YOU can help make this a great success!

As of today we have (85) volunteer positions that need to be filled.  The most urgent are in the following areas:

  • Rest Stops
  • RVCC Site (the Rev’s new home base)
  • Safety (includes SAG support)
  • Food Svcs (includes food distribution and delivery)

YOU, as one of (90) RIDE LEADERS, represent the MAFW club – – your help is critical to the Ramble’s success.  All RIDE LEADERS are requested to volunteer!

IF you’ve already signed up as a volunteer – THANK YOU.

IF not, please take one minute to sign up ASAP

YOUR ACTION: simply click here to volunteer: https://ramblestuff.org/

Family, friends, non-club members are all welcome to volunteer – – please help recruit volunteers!

Sincerely,  Manny Coelho & Paul Malinowski


It was brought to my attention that Suburban Cyclists Unlimited Bike Club put together a regional calendar of cycling events.  I contacted SCU and we have permission to share the link below to the calendar with our members.  I think you will find it very informative.


SCU is running a great event Saturday, July 13 called Summer Century.  In addition to century ride they do have shorter rides.  Rides take place in Bucks and Hunterdon Counties.

SCU Summer Century



I want to point out two special cycling events that will be placed on the MAFW calendar.

Bloomin’ 2024 Metric will be held May 19 in Westport, CT and link to event is below.

Bloomin’ Metric (bloominmetric.com)

Bikes & Beers Dogfish Head will be held June 15 in Milton, Delaware.


Recommend checking out the MAFW Calendar for other special events in addition to the rides on our MAFW schedule.  I just want to make clear that if a special event like Bon Ton and Horsey 100 is posted on the MAFW schedule and you sign up on the MAFW schedule you still need to register and pay via the special event.  Posting these events on the MAFW schedule and having a ride leader in charge of the special event enables those attending the event to know who is going.  I attended Bon Ton last year and will be going again and posted the ride on our schedule as ride leader.  This allowed anyone interested in attending to contact me if they have any questions.  As a result, we have a good group going.



REVOLUTIONARY RAMBLE – June 8 is the 15th Revolutionary Ramble so I encourage you to go to the RR website on the MAFW schedule and volunteer.  Great event for a worthy cause.

SPRING PICNIC – Saturday May 11 is the MAFW Spring Picnic that will be held at Duke Island Park.  We have rides for all paces.  Be sure to sign up for the picnic on the website and then sign up for one of the rides on the MAFW schedule.  We will have plenty of food and an email will be going out to let you know what to bring. Guests are welcome to check out MAFW and maybe join.  If you are a new member to the club, I encourage you to attend.

TOUR DE FRANKLIN – This past Sunday 12 members of MAFW participated in the 35th Tour de Franklin that raised a record ~$125,000 for the Franklin Food Bank.  Great weather and great ride.

COLONIAL PARK – As summer approaches all rides from Colonial Park will be from Howe Athletic Complex that is on the east end of Colonial Park with access from Elizabeth Ave and Colonial Drive.  There is plenty of parking and portajohns.  You can still use the bathrooms at Lot C. When ride leaders post a ride from Colonial Park, they will indicate starting point but be prepared soon for the switch to Howe.

CALENDAR-Encourage all members to check out the Calendar posted on the website for special rides.  We have members from MAFW attending the Horsey 100 in Kentucky and the Bon Ton Roulet in the NY Finger Lakes.  There are still openings for these rides so contact me if you have any questions.

CENTURY RIDE – If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to do a century ride Joe Reo and I posted a fairly flat century ride from Colonial Park for May 18.



FRANKLIN FOOD BANK This Sunday April 28 is the Franklin Food Bank ride from Franklin High School.  This is a well-run ride and it is for a good cause.  Link for info and signup is on our schedule.  Come out and join us and wear your MAFW jersey.  When you sign up and pay via the Franklin Food Bank link, I recommend you also sign up on our MAFW schedule so we can get together there.

NYC 5 BORO BIKE RIDE  Sunday May 5 is the NYC 5 Boro Bike Ride. Link for info and signup is on our schedule.  When you sign up and pay via the 5 Boro link, I recommend you also sign up on our MAFW schedule.  I also recommend you park at Staten Island Ferry and take ferry to start point.

CALENDAR-Be sure to check out our other rides on the calendar and if you want to be the ride coordinator for that event let me know.



I hope to have a great Spring kickoff.  We still need a D ride leader and I hope someone will step up.  Note that the D ride is the same as the D+ ride.  I would lead the D ride but I will be backpacking this weekend with a group of Scouts on the Appalachian Trail.  Also anytime you lead a ride be sure to welcome any new riders by having all your riders introduce themselves.

Thanks, Manny


For the Spring Kickoff Apr 20 I still need a ride leader for the C and D rides.  Also for the Spring Picnic May 18 I need ride leaders for the C+ and B rides.  Let me know if you want to lead any of these rides.

Latest Road Closure-Meadow Rd from RT28 to Holten Rd at North Branch may be closed at times over the next few months. If closed, you can take Burnt Mill Rd to Burnt Mills Rd.
