Morris Area Freewheelers
2020 Biennial Meeting
Welcome- Andrew Stroukoff, Pres.
Ride Program – Manny Coehlo, Ride Coordinator
Web Master—Jon Eiseman
Safety – Liz Jennison for Amy Horn, Safety Coordinator
Membership – Liz Jennison for Marv Schwinder, Membership & Marketing Coordinator
Social —Liz Jennison for Mary Conrad-Social Coordinator
MAFF/Ramble—Carl Wheeldon
Financials- Michael Swearingen, Treasurer
ELECTION – Michael Swearingen Nominating Committee Chair/Meet the Candidates
Question & Answers—Open to All
Reflections – Andrew Stroukoff, Pres.
Looking Forward – Dr. Liz Jennison, President-elect
Our MAFW Biennial Membership Meeting will take place (virtually) at 7 pm on this Thursday, November 19th. We will use the GoToMeeting platform, with information on the log in below.
You can log in via a PC, tablet or phone (web) or dial in via phone. However, if you are just dialed in via your phone, you will NOT be able to see the slides, and you will NOT be able to vote for the Board of Directors candidates.
To use the GoToMeeting, simply click on the link below. If using an iOS device, you will need to download the GoToMeeting app. If you are using a PC, the Chrome browser is recommended, and you can log in just via the browser (not needing to download the desktop app). You can also just dial in via phone to hear the audio, but again, you will NOT see the slides or be able to vote for the Board of Director candidates.
The ELECTION, will take place during the meeting, via a voting link that will be in the CHAT function during the GoToMeeting. You MUST also be logged in to the MAFW website in order to vote. If your computer remembers you as logged in, this will happen automatically. If not, you can log in at the time of the election.
Here is the meeting link and information:
MAFW Biennial Membership Meeting
Thu, Nov 19, 2020 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM (EST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
– One-touch: tel:+18722403212,,602956845#
Access Code: 602-956-845
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/602956845
Here’s a link to the PowerPoint Presentation: https://1drv.ms/p/s!Ald-CVJO5cvu4RJvvwS6MNtHqCkE?e=SJ1wgJ
Looking forward to “seeing” you this Thursday.
Andrew Stroukoff
The 2020 MAF Nominating Committee has submitted a slate of Officers and Directors to serve on the board for the upcoming two-year term of 2021 – 2022. The club members who served on this committee were Xue Li, Arnie Cohen, Cliff Axelson, Amy Horn and Michael Swearingen.
Additional candidates may be nominated by petition, with a minimum of twenty five (25) signatures of valid Club members. Nominating petitions must be submitted to the Treasurer (in lieu of the Secretary), Michael Swearingen no later than October 1st in order for them to be validated and published on the Club web site no later than October 15. Michael may be reached at treasurer@mafw.org, or 201-400-1864.
MAF Nominations for Officers & Directors from 1-1-2021 through 12-31-22 (* = Incumbent)
President: Liz Jennison
Vice President: Steve Lindner
Treasurer: Merritt Peterson
Secretary: Paul Malinowski
Ride Coordinator: Manny Coelho*
Social Coordinator: Mary Conrad*
Membership Coordinator: Marv Schwinder*
Safety Coordinator: Drew Thraen
IT Coordinator: Jon Eiseman*
Web Content Manager: Pete Nevins*
Communications/Marketing Coordinator: Tracy Brown*
Newsletter Editor: Pat Kipp*
MAFW Bike Adventures Coordinator: Mark Jay*
Steve Bach: In Remembrance
Steve Bach: In Remembrance
Steve’s arrangements are as follows. Visitation this Friday, Sept.18, 9-10:30A with service @ 10:30A at Leonardis Funeral Home, 210 Ridgedale Ave in Florham Park. The burial will take place directly after the service. Please visit this link for everything: https://www.leonardismemorialhome.com/obituary/Steve-Bach
Steve passed away yesterday (Sept.15th) evening. Additional information will be posted.
I am so saddened to have to report that we have lost another comrade in cycling. Steve Bach collapsed while riding last week, and despite the many heroic and valiant efforts by his friends, fellow riders, and EMTs, Steve was not able to survive the trauma and on Tuesday, Sept 15th, surrounded by his loving family, fellow club member Steve Bach passed away.
During my years with the MAFW, I have had the opportunity to ride with Steve on many occasions. His passion for cycling, exhibited by so many of our club members, is what has kept me riding with the MAFW. Steve was one of the best…he will be missed by all.
As more information about services and opportunities to express your feelings about Steve to his wife Fran and his family becomes available, I will send it along.
RIP Steve
Andrew Stroukoff
Temporary Ride Guidelines for MAF Members
Temporary Ride Guidelines for MAF Members
MAF Members:
I am sure you are aware that we are experiencing an upsurge in Covid-19 cases in the United States as well as in New Jersey. Our current case rate in New Jersey is higher than the rate when we suspended the ride schedule in March, and well above what the state was experiencing when we reopened the ride schedule in June. At yesterday’s MAF Board meeting it was decided that we would return to the same restrictions we had in place when we reopened our ride calendar in the summer. Rides will be limited to a maximum of 10 riders, and ride leaders can set their own limit of between 4 and 10 riders. To reduce crowding in the parking lots and at rest stops, rides from the same starting point need to be spaced by at least 30 minutes.
These guidelines are in line with those set by BTCNJ and PFW and are put in place for the safety of our riders and their families. We also want to ensure we abide by the governor’s mandate limiting outdoor “events” to 25 persons or less. I know many of you may not view multiple rides from the same start point as “an event”. While these may seem to us to be distinct rides, an external observer (including law enforcement) is unlikely to view it that way. We do not want to jeopardize our ability to use any of our ride start points or to be a trigger for some government action (such as closing the parks or limiting parking access).
Our other COVID restrictions, such as requiring all riders to sign in on line, no guests, wearing a mask, and social distancing are still in effect. Please do not come to a ride if you feel sick in any way, or have been exposed to anyone who may have COVID. If you have traveled out of state, please follow NJ state guidelines about self-isolation on return. And consider downloading the NJCOVID app (available for iOS and Android) devices to be notified if you have come in contact with someone who tests positive for COVID. (https://covid19.nj.gov/pages/app)
Our ride leaders have done a great job this summer and fall, adding additional rides and using different start points. Please remember that they are volunteers, and they will be enforcing the MAFW policy on attendance and sign ups. And please consider reducing the burden on those who have already led many rides this season by becoming a ride leader yourself. The last thing the Board wants to do is prevent riders from riding. But with smaller ride size we need even more ride leaders to accommodate members who want to ride.
These restrictions will be in place through at least January 31, 2021. The only change would be if the state imposes more stringent restrictions on outdoor sports and contact between those of different households. This is a definite possibility, as several states already have such limitations, and these would effectively shut down our ride schedule. All indications are that COVID rates will continue to climb after the end of year holidays; estimates are that we have yet to reach the post-Thanksgiving peak. .
For those who would like to ride with just a few friends, the Club cue sheet library remains open to all.
Stay safe and ride safe,
Liz Jennison (President Elect)
Andrew Stroukoff (President)
Ride Schedule: Important Announcement
I have been in contact with the presidents of BTCNJ and the Princeton FW as well as other local clubs. We have similar thoughts on the limited and gradual re-opening of our Ride Schedules and have agreed to cooperate.
I have also heard from many of you personally with incredibly varied opinions about when we should re-open our Ride Schedule. Everything from
‘Hurry up, damnit! What are you waiting for?’
‘Even if you restart the rides, I won’t ride with the club for a few more months’
‘It’s not safe yet’.
We will have a soft open with a limited Ride Schedule as soon as it is safe. Please monitor the website.
When we do re-open the Ride Schedule, we will adjust your membership expiration date by the amount of time we have been suspended. We appreciate you sticking with us during these unprecedented times.
Perception is important! We cannot appear to be flaunting or ignoring social distancing concepts. And we should take a little time after state easing to let it filter to the general public, law enforcement and park rangers – we do not need our club name on anyone’s desk blotter accused of not following the rules.
We appreciate your cooperation! Who knows, we may be back in full swing sooner than you think.
Remember, we are all ambassadors. Even when we are not doing “club” rides together, please ride responsibly.
Andrew Stroukoff
RideWithGPS: How to download from your phone to the Garmin
RideWithGPS: How to download from your phone to the Garmin
Initial Setup:
You need to have the following apps on your phone:
- RideWithGPS
- Garmin Connect
- Garmin Connect IQ
Pair the Garmin to your phone:
- Sign in to the Garmin Connect App. You may have to create a free account with Garmin if you don’t have one already. After you create the Garmin account go to the following link to join the Club Account on RideWithGPS: https://ridewithgps.com/clubs/455-morris-area-freewheelers?join_code=fg5QfiRMDyXw3rCO.
- Enable Bluetooth on your smartphone, and pair your Garmin device to your phone. This will vary depending on your device, and will be done from your device.
- On your smartphone, open the Garmin Connect™ Mobile app. Then press the More option in the lower right corner of the main app screen on iPhone, or the menu icon in the upper left corner on Android, and select Garmin Devices > Add Device to enter pairing mode and follow the steps shown in the Garmin Connect app to find your device.
- Follow the on screen instructions to finish the pairing and set up process.
In the Garmin Connect App go to the Menu and select Connect IQ Store and search for Ride With GPS and click on it and then click install.
On the Garmin Edge select Connect IQ from the menu then select Ride With GPS. The first time you do this it will show you a code, you then go to rwgps.com/iq to enter the code.
Downloading a Ride to the Garmin
- In the Ride With GPS app click on Morris Area Freewheelers to get into the Club area and then click on Organization routes then search for the route you want then click on the menu and click on Pin.
- On the Garmin Edge go to the Menu->Connect IQ->Ride With GPS->Pinned Routes
- Select the route you want then click on Download & Ride (or just Download).
You can find step-by-step instructions for downloading a ride from your phone to your Garmin here.
Here are the full instructions: https://ridewithgps.com/help/iq/