Maybe you’ve been a member of MAFW for years and years, or perhaps you are a relatively new member. Whichever designation applies to you, just HOW ENGAGED are you with YOUR bike club?
Do you join in on club rides as your schedule permits? Attend our picnics or other social events (now that we’ve resumed these after the COVID hiatus)? Or perhaps you are one of our dedicated ride leaders? When you encounter cyclists who aren’t club members, do you tell them about our club and encourage them to join?
There are plenty of opportunities for becoming even more active within the club. We are always looking for more RIDE LEADERS, especially at some of the faster paces. Lead the rides you want to ride! And, new this year, as a ride leader, you can celebrate your birthday (or other special event), with your fellow club members, and be reimbursed for snacks/treats that you bring to share. Join the ranks of the ride leaders by contacting our Ride Coordinator, Manny (
Want to stay “up to date” on scheduled rides and club events? You can use your on the club website to indicate what email communications you want to receive from the club. In the upper right hand corner of the home page, where you see your name, you can select and edit your . On the page, you can indicate what pace rides you want to hear about (meaning you will receive an automatic email whenever a ride is scheduled at this pace). And, if you happen to think you get TOO MUCH email from the club, you can tell us you don’t want ANY email from us at all. Note that is you select the option of “Do not send me ANY email”, that truly means ANY email, including that on scheduled rides. And while you are looking at the , make sure your emergency contact information, mobile number, and license plate information are correct.
The MAFW election season is upon us, and our biennial (that’s every 2 years) membership meeting and election will be in November (date to be determined). We have several club leadership positions that will be vacant at the end of this term. Are you interested in helping plan and carry out club events? Then become the next Social Coordinator. How about ensuring there is a robust ride schedule? Then take over for Manny who is stepping aside after many years as Ride Coordinator. My term as President is ending, and there are other vacancies as well, including Membership (thanks to Marv for many years of service). Mark Jay ( and Drew Thraen ( are leading the Nominating Committee, and want to hear from YOU if you are interested in a role in club management. Act NOW! We need to have our candidate slate finalized by the end of August.
Keep cool for the remaining days of summer. And remember that sunset is coming earlier each day. Think about front and rear lights for your bike (a good idea ANY time) and shorten those evening rides as needed!