In addition to the rides on our schedule we have some special events coming up:

APRIL 16 SPRING KICKOFF MEETING FOLLOWED BY RIDES FROM BED 1.  Location is Hills Highlands Clubhouse at 75 Hansom Rd, Basking Ridge. Start gathering at 8:30am with some refreshments followed by a meeting and we will do our best to keep it short.  Following the meeting there will be rides at different levels from Bed 1.  Rides start at 11am but could start earlier.   You can start signing up for rides now.  This kickoff meeting is a great opportunity to have any questions or concerns addressed.  IMPORTANT THAT YOU GO TO THE WEBSITE AND SIGN UP SO WE CAN PLAN REFRESHMENTS.

MAY 13 SPRING PICNIC This year the Spring Picnic will be from Knob Hill Lot C at Colonial Park.  More information to follow soon.

RIDE LEADERS Finally, if you want to be a ride leader just contact me and I will step you thru the simple process.  Being a ride leader is a very rewarding position and you get to choose your rides and time/date.  We especially need ride leaders for the D and D+ rides.  One of the first steps is just shadow a ride leader for a few rides.  I will be at the Spring Kickoff if you have questions on being a RL.

Thanks, Manny

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