MAFW Magic??

Are you one of the many MAFW members who believes there is some sort of MAFW magic?  Do you think that new ride routes are created by “ride wizards” and just appear on the club website?  Or that fried chicken, cold drinks and paper plates are delivered to the club picnics by a “picnic drone”?  Or that the newsletter, social media posts, and membership services just “happen”?  Well, you are WRONG!  All these functions that support the club are carried out by VOLUNTEER members, working “behind the scenes” to keep the club running smoothly.

We have had people ask questions like “why don’t we return to having free potluck holiday parties?”  Well guess what, they weren’t really “free”.  We had to rent a place to have the party (not a big expense), and then 8-10 MAFW volunteers did NOT get to enjoy the party as they were busy working (setting up the venue, setting out and replenishing food, cleaning up) while everyone else enjoyed the “free” party.  When we tried to move to a paid event so that everyone could enjoy it, MAFW members weren’t willing to pay for a party, and the club could not afford any event of the quality that we desired.  And there you have it, the reason we no longer have a holiday party…

Right now, we are at a critical time for the club, as many of these positions will be VACANT at the end of the year as the incumbents move on for various reasons.  Without NEW people willing to step up and fill some of these critical functions, the ability of MAFW to operate smoothly is in jeopardy.

At the end of 2022 the following MAFW positions will be VACANT:  President, Vice President, Membership Coordinator, and Social Coordinator.  Please consider whether YOU or someone you know would be interested and willing to serve in one of these positions.  If so, please contact one of the members of our Nominating Committee (headed by Mark Jay: and Drew Thraen:

Thanks to all our Ride Leaders and to everyone else who works hard (and often behind the scenes) to make MAFW run.  As our IT coordinator, Jon says, “no one notices when things work fine, but they complain when things don’t.”  We need people to fill these key positions to keep everything running well in the MAFW World.

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