
Fall Picnic Sunday October 1st

All We are looking to finalize the headcount for the fall picnic on Sunday October 1st. Weather looks to be perfect as of this evening (low 70’s and partially cloudy).  The picnic is free (and you can bring a guest), but please sign up using the form at the top of our web page so …

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The MAFW Fall Picnic will be on Sunday October 1st, at Schooley Mountain Park in Long Valley.  For those that have not ridden out of the park it’s a beautiful location and the rides are fantastic as well. The picnic is free (and you can bring a guest), but please sign up so we know …

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PICNIC-The MAFW Fall Picnic will be held Oct 1 at Schooleys Mountain Park.  If attending and you plan on riding, please go to the MAFW ride schedule and sign up for a ride.  For information on the picnic and to sign up for the picnic whether riding or not, please click here. MILESTONE PARTY-The 2023 …

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If you led rides this past year you are invited to the Oct 19 Pizza Party.  For information on this event and to sign up please click here. Please sign up so we can have an accurate count for planning. For the picnic we still need a few ride leaders. Thanks, Manny

Fall Picnic Ride update.

Sunday October 1st – Bring your climbing shoes as the Fall Picnic will be held at Schooley’s Mountain Park.  Rides for all levels and elevation profiles are now available.  We are looking for some ride leaders – Sorry folks but Jay Raju has already graciously accepted the role as the B ride leader.  I am …

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Schooley’s Mountain Picnic

I created rides for the Sunday 10/1 Fall Picnic.  Let me know if you want to lead one of the rides. If you want to lead a ride and want to lead an alternate ride I am flexible.  I have times for the rides but in reality rides may leave sooner than scheduled.  I also …

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Last MAFW kayak excursion of 2023! Saturday, October 7: )

Back by popular demand! The Freewheeler Social Committee invites you join us to Kayak the Raritan River­­­­––a 3-hour downriver excursion from Annandale to Flemington on Saturday, October 7. We’re offering a longer trip than last time, as requested by several paddlers. Please note that this is not an official club-sponsored ride because our insurance does …

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Upcoming Events

A couple of key dates to place on your calendar. Sunday October 1st – Bring your climbing shoes as the Fall Picnic will be held at Schooley’s Mountain Park.  Rides for all levels and elevation profiles will be available.  Details will be provided shortly. Saturday October 7th – John Storey has set up another kayaking …

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MAFW September 2023 Newsletter Available

Hi Freewheelers, Watch the website to see information on upcoming events, communication from our club president and ride coordinator, and ride guidelines. Our Social Coordinator, John Storey, is always in need of your help for a number of our activities. Please email if you are interested: MAFW has 2 main guidelines or mottos that …

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