

To all, CYCLING SEMINAR AT BERNARDS TOWNSHIP LIBRARY-Thanks to Chinmoy for sharing this.  There will be a talk on “The Golden Age of Bicycle Racing in New Jersey” at Bernards Township Library Tuesday Sept 20 7-8pm.  Check attached link for more info. SPELLBOUND CENTURY-This past Sat TNT Cycling Club held their annual Spellbound Century …

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July 2022 MAFW Newsletter

Hi Freewheelers, Watch the website to see information on upcoming events, communication from our club president and ride coordinator, and ride guidelines. Our Social Coordinator, Mary Nacius, is always in need of your help for a number of our activities. Please email if you are interested: MAFW has 2 main guidelines or mottos that riders …

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As a ride leader if you would  like to celebrate a special event like a birthday ride, Memorial Day Ride, Tour de France, etc.  you can buy refreshments for post ride celebration.  Check with Tracy Brown before the event and then send your expenses up to $50 to Merritt Petersen. Thanks again for leading, Manny


I just want to share this message I received from another NJ cycling club.  Very applicable to MAFW and I ask all you to follow these suggestions: As we get deeper into the heat of Summer, I wanted to highlight a few housekeeping notes for all new and existing Club members alike: If you have …

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UPDATE RIDE-When you log in select “RIDE LEADER” > “MY SCHEDULED RIDES”>”UPDATE RIDE”.   When you get to this location it gives you many options: GUESTS-When guests decide to do your ride and try to sign in they will be asked to fill out a form.  At the ride have them sign in.  Recommend you call …

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A Car Hits You While You Are On A Club Ride – What you Need to Know About Medical Bills

A Car Hits You While You Are On A Club Ride – What you Need to Know About Medical Bills You are on a Club ride and a car hits you. One thing is for sure: you will need to get medical treatment and to pay for it. That, and nothing else, is the subject …

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Oregon Trail Gravel Grinder

Oregon Trail Gravel Grinder I (Brian Cap) recently did a 5 day gravel bike ride in Oregon.5 days, 320 miles, 28,000 feet of climbing. Brutal and beautiful.  The Oregon Trail Gravel Grinder’s website is: Their contact is:Chad Sperry 541-980-2338, chad@breakawaypro.comPO Box 112 Redmond, Oregon 97756

Message from the President: July 12th

July, for cyclists, traditionally means the Tour de France.  And this year it also brings our own Revolutionary Ramble.  The Ramble organizers have been hard at work, and still need a few volunteers to help out, whether in the days leading up to the event, or on Ramble Day (July 24th).  If you can share …

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The light at the end of the tunnel (June 9th, 2021)

Greetings to all MAF members.  The light at the end of the tunnel was not a train after all!  On Monday the MAF Board met and decided that, in alignment with CDC and NJ guidelines, the club will eliminate the mandatory cap on riders on club rides.  Ride leaders will have the discretion of capping …

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