Now is a good time to register for MAFW fall events!

It is Sunday evening, and your weekend is winding down.  Perhaps you got in a nice bike ride yesterday or today…  And perhaps you are thinking about a nice bike ride next Sunday…. And how hungry you will be after that ride…  And wouldn’t it be great if there just happened to be a picnic after that bike ride???  Well you are in luck.  With a few clicks of your mouse you can register for a MAFW ride next Sunday via the club website, and then hop on over to EventBrite to sign up for the picnic (Sunday October 23 at Pickell Park) :

It would be really good idea to bring your bike, helmet, and other bike gear to the bike ride.  And a fantastic idea to bring a dish to share to the picnic. We also need a few volunteers to help with the set up for the picnic; especially someone who is not planning to ride and can keep hungry beasts away from our food while Drew, our Safety Coordinator, goes to pick up the Fried Chicken.  If you can help out, please drop Drew a line (

November means the end of evening rides, as our late day light fades (and then vanishes with the time change).  We can all commiserate about this over coffee and cookies at the MAFW Biennial meeting, November 2 at 7 pm (meeting room in the Hills, directions on the registration link).  To ensure we have enough cookies for all, please register for the event:

Not only will the Biennial meeting feature cookies, but we will hold our MAFW Election.  And, we will have a special presentation by Basking Ridge resident Paul Harradine on “how I spent my summer vacation”.  Well Paul spent his summer vacation riding every mile of every stage of the Tour de France one day before the Tour pros!  And yes, Paul is a regular guy, with a normal family and a real job!

We round out the month of October with the annual Milestone party and lunch (October 26th) .  We have a new location Annabella Italian Ristorante, 144 Main Street, Whitehouse Station.  For this event, please register with Pat Kipp ( by the 23rd.  If you are celebrating a milestone birthday (increments of 5 years, starting at age 50) your lunch is free.  Everyone else pays $20 cash at the event.

Since the Milestone party is near Pickell Park, the morning rides before will also be from Pickell Park.  RIDE LEADERS:  We need a few of you to schedule rides from Pickell Park for that morning.  Choose your distance and pace so that the rides will finish around 12 noon.  The lunch is at 12:30 pm.

See you at an upcoming MAFW Event!

Liz Jennison, MAFW President

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