I just want to point out some great rides by other organizations:
1-TOUR DE FRANKLIN April 30, 2023
This ride benefits the Franklin Food Bank and starts from Franklin High School near Colonial Park. They feed you at start, at end and during the ride. There are 5 on-road events (62-mile, 40-mile, 25-mile, 10-mile, and 5-mile) that tour scenic Franklin and Hillsborough townships, and two “Canal” events that utilize the towpath along the D&R Canal. Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going but you need to register on the Tour de Franklin website. Nice to get a big group from MAFW with our MAFW jerseys so we can attract new members.
May 19-21, 2023. BCP’s annual Spring-n2-Cycling Weekend in the Susquehanna Valley of PA, staying at the large and attractive Best Western Inn in Lewisburg. This event is an all-inclusive package – Friday & Saturday night hotel stay, scenic cycling routes for a wide variety of distances, group rides with leaders, meals, snacks, parties, live music, and more. The area around Lewisburg has off-road trails, in addition to picturesque road cycling. If you are interested in going please contact me at mannyt66@gmail.com.
3-PA DUTCH RIDE June 23-25, 2023. See our website for more info and how to register. Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going.
4-BON TON ROULET July 22-29,2023 https://bontonroulet.com/ This is a 7 day bike ride thru the Finger Lakes of New York. Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going but you need to register on the Bon Ton Roulet website.
5-2023 SPELLBOUND – July 29,2023 https://www.spellboundcentury.org/ The 9th annual Spellbound Century road bike event takes place in Mount Holly, Burlington County, NJ where you ride by local horse farms and historic towns on mostly flat roads and some challenging rolling hills. The ride starts from historic Mount Holly, NJ, the County seat of Burlington County. Last year this ride had ~1500 riders and ride was sold out in March. Rides range from 20 to 100 miles. Go to website for more information. Ride is posted on our MAFW schedule so you can sign up to let other attendees know you are going but you need to register on the Spellbound website.