UPDATE RIDE-When you log in select “RIDE LEADER” > “MY SCHEDULED RIDES”>”UPDATE RIDE”.   When you get to this location it gives you many options:

  1. After you lead a ride, enter # of riders and it will change status of your ride from SCHEDULED to RIDDEN.  I noticed many rides are in SCHEDULED status and need to be updated.
  2. If you decide to cancel a ride you can select Ride Cancelled.  It will be cancelled on the schedule.
  3. If you want to make changes to your ride select Ride Changed and your ride will be highlighted as changed on the schedule.
  4. This location allows you to send out email to your riders.

GUESTS-When guests decide to do your ride and try to sign in they will be asked to fill out a form.  At the ride have them sign in.  Recommend you call your guest and welcome to your ride.  Make sure they have a helmet,  water, know to be 30 mins early and know the pace they are signing up for. 


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