WAIT LIST – Ride leaders will occasionally restrict the number of riders on their ride.  If the ride fills up, you will be placed on the wait list.  If someone drops out and you are the first rider on the wait list, you will get a notice that you are on the ride.  If you are on the ride and decide not to do the ride, please if at all possible don’t wait until the last minute to cancel.  I understand emergencies pop up but do your best so the rider who moves from the wait list has time to prepare and get to the ride.

SUMMERTIME – With the heat of summer upon us I encourage ride leaders to start rides early to beat the heat.  All riders should have 2 water bottles and be sure to hydrate.  If you feel the heat getting to you pull over under a shady spot, rest awhile and hydrate.   All the more reason not to ride alone.  Don’t forget that sunscreen.

MAFW CALENDAR – Be sure to check the MAFW Calendar for those special rides.  Not only are there special day rides but there are also weekend and weeklong rides.  Suburban Cyclists Unlimited has a great regional calendar that we have permission to access.

Calendar of Regional Bicycling Events DE NJ PA – Suburban Cyclists Unlimited

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