Morris Area Freewheelers Bicycle Club, Inc. (the “Club”) requires each of its members to agree to this Release (as updated, if updated) when they first join the Club and each time they renew their membership.

FIRST: I am over 18 years old and I consider myself physically capable of participating in Club bike rides. I wish to participate in Club bike rides and I freely agree to the terms and conditions of this Release as consideration for being permitted to become a member of the Club and being permitted to participate in Club bike rides.

SECOND: I acknowledge that Club bike rides take place on public roads and trails over which the Club has no power of control, and that these roads and trails are used by persons (including other Club members) over whom the Club has no power of control. Further, I acknowledge that such roads and trails may be in dangerously unsafe condition, and that others (including other Club members) using them may do so in ways that are dangerously unsafe to me. I accept all risks of participating in Club rides and acknowledge that such risks include serious injury, permanent disability, and death in addition to financial loss.

I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Club, its officers and directors, volunteers, and ride leaders from any and all claims arising from their negligence in relation to Club activities, specifically including, but not limited to, bike rides and negligent rescue operations. This release, discharge, and covenant not to sue:

  1. is governed by New Jersey law (excluding its conflicts of law provisions);
  2. extends to all personal injuries I may suffer (including but not limited to serious injury, permanent disability, and death) and to loss of, or damage to, my personal property; and
  3. binds my heirs, assigns, and personal representatives.

FOURTH: I agree to bring any legal action based on negligence in relation to any Club activity in a state or federal court within the State of New Jersey. I also agree that if any provision of this Release is held invalid, all remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

FIFTH: I recognize that the Club has a presence on social media and that pictures that include my likeness may be posted on social media sites and used in Club emails. I agree that no Club liability shall accrue for such posting and use, unless I request in writing that my likeness be removed and the Club fails to remove it within a reasonable time.

SIXTH: I recognize that I am obliged to take measures such as social distancing and wearing a facemask when interacting with other Club members at Club rides and events, that such obligations are exclusively personal to Club members, and that the Club is not responsible for enforcing them. If I am diagnosed with Covid-19, I agree to refrain from participating in Club bike rides or activities until it is safe for me to do so.

By checking the box on the Join/Renew screen, I represent that:

  1. I have read this Release;
  2. I understand this Release and agree to its terms and conditions;
  3. I specifically understand that by my agreement, I am giving up certain legal rights that I might otherwise have against the Club, its officers and directors, volunteers, and ride leaders; and
  4. I act herein of my own free will and deed.

MAFWRELEASE Rev. 1.0 2019-10-30