Laurie Hagerich – Viewing and Funeral Service Information

Laurie Hagerich a club OG (Original Gangster) for over 35 years recently passed away after a very short illness.  The viewing will be on May 10th at Dangler Funeral Home in Madison from 5-8PM.  The funeral service will be at the Methodist Church in Madison on Saturday, May 11th at 11AM.  If you want to send a card to the family her address is 19 Seven Oaks Drive, Madison, NJ 07040.

Updated Link and other minor corrections: May the 4 be with you and other news

Hoping everyone has been enjoying the weather now that the wind has been calming down.   The club has been very active, and I am impressed with the number of rides we have been able to complete so early in the year.  As we head towards summer and peak riding season I wanted to bring a couple of items to your attention.

  • Spring Picnic on May 11 – Duke Island Park.  We are looking to finalize the headcount for the Spring picnic.  The picnic is free (and you can bring a guest and non-club members as well), but please sign up using the form at the top of our web page so we know how many people to expect.  Use this event as a springboard to attract new members and grow the club.  There is a full ride schedule for the day of the picnic, with rides at all paces.   There should be a ride for anyone who is interested and remember to sign up for the ride you plan to do in addition to signing up for the picnic. One of the club members suggested that we set up a SWAP TABLE – The swappers just need to bring their unwanted gear to sell or exchange.  The individual just needs to supply a note and $ wanted.   Its spring – clean out your garage and give away, swap or sell your unwanted gear. People whose last name starts with:
A-FPlease bring a Salad.
G-OPlease bring a Main Dish
P-ZPlease bring a Dessert.
  • Revolutionary Ramble – Volunteers Needed – The Ramble is scheduled on June 8th out of the Raritan Valley Community College.  Run by the foundation arm of the club, The Ramble includes 25, 35, 50, 70, and 100-mile rides and showcases some of the beautiful rides and scenery we all enjoy on a daily basis.  This is a great opportunity to demonstrate that bicycles belong, and to raise money for our local emergency squads, NICA and other educational and safe cycling programs.  We provide great food, ample rest stops, etc. but that also requires members of the club to participate.    We strongly encourage all club members, if they are available and not riding the event to volunteer and participate in the great event.  Your family members can help as well, and volunteering looks great on our kids resumes.  There are many opportunities to volunteer on days leading up to and during the event.   Please spend the time to review the volunteer opportunities via the link on our website or click the following link:
  • Nomination Committee – Are you interested in being a Board Member or participating in a sub-committee from time to time.   There is at least one Board Opening and there may be others as each member wraps up their two-year term.  If you are interested in hearing more. Please reach out to Mark Jay @
  • Club Century Ride – On May 18th out of Colonial Park, Manny Coelho and I will be leading a flat 100 miler out of Colonial Park.   We had a large turnout a couple of years ago for this ride and you will not be disappointed.   It’s a perfect way to complete your first century or to build up some endurance miles on our legs.  In addition, it’s a little easier than the Revolutionary Ramble 100 miler but you can do both and use this as a practice run for the event on June 8th.

Now for some sad news – Laurie Hagerich – a club OG (Original Gangster) for over 35 years recently passed away after a very short illness.  The viewing will be on May 10th at Dangler Funeral Home in Madison from 5-8PM.  The funeral service will be at the Methodist Church in Madison on Saturday, May 11th at 11AM.  If you want to send a card to the family her address is 19 Seven Oaks Drive, Madison, NJ 07040.


Joseph Reo

Club President

May the Fourth be with you and other news

Hoping everyone has been enjoying the weather now that the wind has been calming down.   The club has been very active, and I am impressed with the number of rides we have been able to complete so early in the year.  As we head towards summer and peak riding season I wanted to bring a couple of items to your attention.

  • Spring Picnic on May 11 – Duke Island Park.  We are looking to finalize the headcount for the Spring picnic.  The picnic is free (and you can bring a guest and non-club members as well), but please sign up using the form at the top of our web page so we know how many people to expect.  Use this event as a springboard to attract new members and grow the club.  There is a full ride schedule for the day of the picnic, with rides at all paces.   There should be a ride for anyone who is interested and remember to sign up for the ride you plan to do in addition to signing up for the picnic. One of the club members suggested that we set up a SWAP TABLE – The swappers just need to bring their unwanted gear to sell or exchange.  The individual just needs to supply a note and $ wanted.   Its spring – clean out your garage and give away, swap or sell your unwanted gear. People whose last name starts with:
A-FPlease bring an Salad.
G-OPlease bring a Main Dish
P-ZPlease bring a Salad.
  • Revolutionary Ramble – Volunteers Needed – The Ramble is scheduled on June 8th out of the Raritan Valley Community College.  Run by the foundation arm of the club, The Ramble includes 25, 35, 50, 70, and 100-mile rides and showcases some of the beautiful rides and scenery we all enjoy on a daily basis.  This is a great opportunity to demonstrate that bicycles belong, and to raise money for our local emergency squads, NICA and other educational and safe cycling programs.  We provide great food, ample rest stops, etc. but that also requires members of the club to participate.    We strongly encourage all club members, if they are available and not riding the event to volunteer and participate in the great event.  Your family members can help as well, and volunteering looks great on our kids resumes.  There are many opportunities to volunteer on days leading up to and during the event.   Please spend the time to review the volunteer opportunities via the link on our website or click the following link.
  • Nomination Committee – Are you interested in being a Board Member or participating in a sub-committee from time to time.   There is at least one Board Opening and there may be others as each member wraps up their two-year term.  If you are interested in hearing more. Please reach out to Mark Jay @
  • Club Century Ride – On May 18th out of Colonial Park, Manny Coelho and I will be leading a flat 100 miler out of Colonial Park.   We had a large turnout a couple of years ago for this ride and you will not be disappointed.   It’s a perfect way to complete your first century or to build up some endurance miles on our legs.  In addition, it’s a little easier than the Revolutionary Ramble 100 miler but you can do both and use this as a practice run for the event on June 8th.

Now for some sad news – Laurie Hagerich – a club OG (Original Gangster) for over 35 years recently passed away after a very short illness.  The viewing will be on May 10th at Dangler Funeral Home in Madison from 5-8PM.  The funeral service will be at the Methodist Church in Madison on Saturday, May 11th at 11AM.  If you want to send a card to the family her address is 19 Seven Oaks Drive, Madison, NJ 07040.


Joseph Reo

Club President

MAFW Spring Kick Off Meeting – April 20th

The MAFW Spring Kickoff meeting is right around the corner and the weather is getting better by the day.

Please take the time to register for the Spring Kick Off, as it allows us to ensure we are properly set up for the meeting.  In addition, please sign up for one of the great rides we have planned for you all.  During the meeting, we will look back at some of the changes we implemented in 2023 and the exciting enhancements we have planned for 2024.  I am happy to report that you do not have to listen to me talk for the entire session.  We are excited to share a couple of great videos and we will have a guest speaker.   Brendan Poh the owner of Cycle Craft in Parsippany NJ and the acting Board President for the Revolutionary Ramble will be stopping by to discuss the importance of a proper bike fit.   The presentation is titled “Demystifying the dark art of bike fitting – a common sense guide to getting it right.”  If you do not know Brendan, he is a great businessman, loves bicycling and has been a strong supporter of the Club and Revolutionary Ramble for many years.

The Board and I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.


Joseph Reo

MAFW President

Spring is coming – Details on a couple of upcoming ride events (including ours)


The weather is finally warming up and be on the lookout for some additional details in what we have in store for 2024.  The Board and the various members helping in this 2024 campaign are excited and you will be as well.  I promise.

In the meantime, I wanted to bring a couple of upcoming events (including ours) to your attention.

  1. The 15th annual Revolutionary Ramble is scheduled for June 8th and will be run from Raritan Valley Community College this year instead of Drew University due to scheduling conflicts.  The Revolutionary Ramble includes scenic rides through rolling terrain in the seat of the American Revolution, you can challenge yourself to one of five routes from 25 to 100 miles with the peace of mind provided by fully supported bike event — well stocked rest stops, and a fabulous post ride lunch.   We will be utilizing food trucks this year and you will all love it.  Several members of the club have stepped up and are playing key roles in the ride this year and its highly appreciated.   If you are not going to ride – please volunteer as we can use your help.   In addition, we are looking for sponsors.  If you are interested in volunteering or have some sponsorship ideas or contacts, please let us know and I will get you to the proper individual to take the next step.
  2. From one of our club partners in NY comes the annual TD The 5 Boro Bike Tour on May 7th.  The organization reached out and asked the bike club to promote the tour as the NY Bike Club participates in our ride as well.  The tour provides a unique experience by allowing you to ride 40 miles car-free in one of the greatest cities in the world.  The tour, which is one of the most popular rides in America gets about 3oK participants annually and takes you on a unique journey through the 5 Boro’s as you take in some of the Citi’s most famous sites and breathtaking views. In addition, any rider who registers for Bike NY will get a chance to win a free ride in Twin Lights. Here is a link to the 5 Boro Bike Tour if you are interested in signing up:  I have participated in the past and had a great time.
  3. Lewisburg Spring Bike Weekend in Lewisburg, PA, May 17-19, 2024.  Although I have not done this ride myself – several members from the club have participated in the past and have only had great things to say about the event.   This is an all-inclusive, 3-day/2-night (Friday-Sunday) weekend package of hotel stay, group rides with Leaders, links and cue sheets, meals, snacks, parties, etc.  They will have group rides for a wide variety of speeds and distances.  In addition, the bike routes are tandem-friendly, and they will have tandem teams joining as well. See link below for more details.  A little different then a one-day event but an excellent experience. Link to the Lewisburg Spring Bike Weekend:


Joseph Reo

NJ Bike & Walk Coalition – Protect Access to E-bikes in NJ



Protect Access to E-bikes in NJ

Dear Jim,

Right now, the New Jersey Legislature is considering a bill (S2292) that will require everyone who owns an electric bicycle (e-bike) to obtain registration and insurance. This bill would limit access to e-bikes across the state by creating barriers to ride. Your voice matters! Help protect access to e-bikes.

To view the pre-written letter addressed to your elected official visit the action alert page here. You can review before it is sent and feel free to add any personal comments in the letter that explain why this legislation would negatively affect your access to riding an e-bike.

Use the link below to send a letter to your representative!

Help us spread the word!

Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to join the movement by sharing this email and the link to the digital letter on your social media channels. The more voices we gather, the stronger our message becomes.

Stay informed!

To stay updated on the progress of Senate Bill S2292 and similar initiatives, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and visit our website regularly. Knowledge is power, and by staying informed, you empower yourself to be a catalyst for positive change.

Visit NJBWC Official Website

Charlie Kinsley


We lost another longtime member on Jan. 28.  Charlie Kinsley, age 89.   Let’s kindly remember one of the Morris Area Free Wheelers OGs.

Some insights from one of his riding partners – Lili.   Charlie joined the club in 1983 and immediately became one of the small group of riders who never missed a weekend ride. In those days, there was only one, alternating Saturdays and Sundays and alternating long and short. We went to work during the week and hoped fervently for good weather on the weekends. Once we met at the start at a coffee shop in Hackettstown and waited two hours for the rain to stop. It didn’t. When we did ride, Charlie was usually at the rear welcoming and encouraging new slower riders. He could have gone faster, but he enjoyed conversation and seeing the sights. We stopped to watch the goats play king of the hill and to admire the woolly lambs up in Warren County. Charlie would often do over a hundred miles on ride days, because he rode from his house to the ride start and then back home again after. Home to a typical start was 25 miles each way. He volunteered for years at the Multiple Sclerosis fundraising rides, coming in late on both weekend days, shepherding the riders at the end. He was a long-time treasurer of the club, retiring only when the club began doing its business on the internet. When he and I both stopped going even on slow rides, we still sometimes joined the bikers at lunch or after the ride, and last year he was still riding around his Parsippany Lake neighborhood.

There will be a celebration of life service on February 17, 2024, at 11:00am at the Parsippany United Methodist Church, 903 South Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Arrangements are under the direction of the Par-Troy Funeral Home.

In Lieu of flowers, donations in Charles’s memory can be made to the United Methodist Church of Parsippany. 903 S Beverwyck Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07054 ( or Parsippany Animal Control and Shelter. 1069 Parsippany Blvd., Parsippany, NJ07054

Obituary information for Charles W Kinsley


Joseph Reo – President

Jack Brohal

Sad news – the passing on October 21, 2023 of longtime bike racer and adventurer Jack Brohal, beloved husband of Lili and a member of the Freewheelers since the early 1980’s. Look in our newspaper archive for some of the tales of his bicycling life. There are no services, but Lili will be sitting shiva at home, 19 Amackassin Road in Blairstown, NJ, Monday October 30 and Thursday November 2, both days 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Limited parking. If you are coming same time as friends, you can park at the Acme and carpool up.

I met Jack for the first time at one of our ride leader pizza parties.   He and Lili were full of life and had a pure love for riding their bikes.   You will be amazed to find out about Jack’s accomplishments and depth of knowledge.  He led an amazing life and lived it to the fullest.   The club lost a good one.

I encourage all of you to look back and take some time to read about this wonderful individual in our archives. The Jack Brohal newsletters are on our website in the newsletter archive directory.
You will immediately see that Jack was a very detail-oriented man!

The links to the newsletters are noted below:

Joseph Reo
Club President

Fall Picnic Sunday October 1st


We are looking to finalize the headcount for the fall picnic on Sunday October 1st. Weather looks to be perfect as of this evening (low 70’s and partially cloudy).  The picnic is free (and you can bring a guest), but please sign up using the form at the top of our web page so we know how many people to expect.    People whose last name starts with:

A-FPlease bring an Appetizer.
G-OPlease bring a Main Dish
P-ZPlease bring a Salad.

There is a full ride schedule for the day of the picnic, with rides at all paces.  There is also a ride on the Columbia Trail, but you have to drive to the start. There should be a ride for anyone who is interested and remember to sign up for the ride you plan to do in addition to signing up for the picnic.

Directions to Schooley’s Mtn. Park: From the traffic light in Long Valley, take Rt # 24 up the mountain towards Hackettstown, turn right on Camp Washington Road, then right on East Springtown Road to Schooley’s Mtn. Park on the right. Meet at rear parking area.

See you all on Sunday.


Joseph Reo