REGIONAL CALENDAR – I want to again share this calendar of regional events in Pa, NJ, and DE that was prepared by Suburban Cyclists Unlimited. This is a great source of information for cycling events outside our normal MAFW schedule. If you want to be the ride leader for any of these events, please let me know.

RIDE LEADER – The more ride leaders we have the more rides we can offer the membership.  As a ride leader you can pick the rides you want to do from a library of over 1000 rides.  You can also decide the pace, time and date.  Becoming a ride leader is a simple process and I am willing to step you thru the process and even sign up for your first ride as long as you pick C pace or slower and promise not to drop me.

RIDE LEADER AWARDS – For current ride leaders you need to have led 12 rides to qualify for the MAFW ride leader award.  Cancellations count as 1/2 a ride and you have until end of Sept. to complete the requirement.  If you are not sure of your status, please contact me.

SUNRISE LAKE BEACH PARTY AUG 31- MAFW has scheduled a beach party at Sunrise Lake in Lewis Morris Park that will involve swimming, paddleboat races as well as rides.  Rides have been scheduled and I wish I could have set up flatter rides but blame George Washington for choosing that area to winter his troops. Jockey Hollow is next to Lewis Morris and recommend visiting Jockey Hollow, especially the Visitor’s Center.   More information to follow on this event.

MAFW FALL PICNIC – Sunday Sept 22 is the MAFW Fall Picnic that will be held at Schooley’s Mountain Park.  Rides have been posted and I do need a few ride leaders.  More info to follow.

CHIP SEALING – Chip sealing is in progress on Rockaway from Potterstown Rd to Mountainville and on Hill and Dale.  Recommend holding off rides in that area for a week or two until the chip seal settles.  In addition, fresh gravel has been added to the gravel section on White Bridge Rd.  Recommend walking that section until the gravel has a chance to settle.

MOUNTAINS TO COAST NORTH CAROLINA – This is a weeklong ride from Oct 5 to 12  in NC and this event is on the MAFW calendar and ride schedule.  If interested please contact me.

FLEECYDALE RD – Yesterday a group of us did a ride involving Fleecydale Rd that goes from the Delaware River at Lumberville, Pa. to Carversville Pa.  It is a steady climb but we all considered it one of the most scenic roads in our library of rides.  The road is currently closed to cars but not to bicycles.  Thanks to Pat and Tony for creating Fleecydale Follies.  The Carversville Inn is closed but due to open soon.



I have been alerted that fresh gravel has been placed on the gravel section of Whitebridge Rd from the bridge to the Environmental Center.  One rider fell on this section today when he encountered the deep fresh gravel, but he is OK.  Recommend you walk thru this section or take the detour via Skyline.



This month we have 2 special events and both are on the MAFW calendar and on the ride schedule:

RAMAPO RALLY – This is a day event on Sunday 8/18 and run by BTCNJ Bike Club.  If you decide to attend this event you need first to register using the link below and then you can sign up on the ride schedule.  This will allow you to connect with other MAFW riders.

Ramapo Rally – Half the Hills are Down (btcnj.com)

BOB’S VERMONT TOUR – This is a weekend cycling tour in Vermont from Aug 22-25.  We will be staying in the Ramapo Ski Club Lodge that is across from Mad River Club Ski Resort.  Need to sign up via the MAFW calendar and then you can sign up on the ride schedule.



Listed below is a list of road work in the Franklin Somerset Area:

Blackwells Mills Rd Reclamation -Reclamation will begin on or about August 12, 24. Road will be closed for 24 hours a day for approximately 2 weeks.

Arden Area Resurfacing  -Concrete work in progress.

  • Shannon Ct
  • Arden St
  • Park St
  • Gary Ct
  • Laird Terr
  • Girard Ave (Easton Ave to Fairmount)

Mosher Rd Area Resurfacing -Mettlers Rd work to begin on or about 8/19/24. Weather permitting.

  • Mosher Rd
  • Acken Ln
  • Tournquist Ct
  • Washington Ave
  • Barbieri Ct
  • Eden St
  • Mettlers Rd

2-Please do your best to schedule your rides a couple of days in advance so riders can plan their schedule.

Thanks, Manny


I just want to bring to your attention that Rockaway Rd., Philhower Rd. and Potterstown Rd. west of Rockaway are all going to be chip sealed on or about August 1.  Many of our popular roads use these roads.




BON TON ROULET – This past week 10 MAFW members cycled and camped thru the Finger Lakes of New York with ~250 other cyclists from across the country. You did have the option of staying in college dorms or hotels.  5 of us did the century ride offered on Day 3 where we cycled to Lake Ontario. Great rides and great weather.  This ride is done every July and I recommend it.  I have done it twice and plan on doing it next year.

OTHER UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS – In addition to the rides on our ride schedule we have listed special rides on our calendar and some on our ride schedule.  For a special ride to be listed on the normal ride calendar I need a ride leader to take responsibility.  Below is a list of some of these special events from the calendar where you can register;

8/18 – Ramapo Rally. Half the hills are down and they do offer a 125 mile ride.

8/22-25 – Bob’s Vermont Tour. We will be staying at Ramapo Ski Club Lodge that is across the street from Mad River Glen Ski Resort (“BIKE IT IF YOU CAN”)

9/7 – Sourlands Spectacular. Remember that the “HILLS ARE NOT IN THE WAY, THEY ARE THE WAY”.

10/6 – Tour de Bronx

10/4-6 – Roy’s Penn Dutch Weekend. Be careful when riding in the Dutch country since the horse and buggies do leave presents along the road.

10/6-12 – Mountains to Coast Ride in North Carolina

RIDE LEADER AWARDS – To earn the MAFW Ride Leader Award you need to have led 12 rides during the period from 10/1/2023 to 9/30/2024.  You still have 8 weeks.

COLONIAL PARK – Regardless of the cue sheet all rides during the summer are from Howe Athletic Field that is located on the eastern end of Colonial Park between Elizabeth Ave and Colonial Drive. After summer we will switch to Lot C.



Chip Sealing in Tewksbury Township

I have just been alerted that chip sealing could be starting on or around Thursday Aug 1 on the following roads in Tewksbury:

  • King Street
  • Potterstown Road from King Street crossing over Rockaway Road to Uptom Pine
  • Rockaway Road from Potterstown Road to Mountainville
  • Hill And Dale entire length
  • Philhower Road entire length

May have to give it a week to settle.  If you do find yourself on fresh chip seal just take it easy.  Recommend ride leaders not post rides in this area during this period.


When you decide to lead a ride from Raritan Valley Community College you need to send an email to John Trojan several days in advance of the ride.  John who represents RVCC needs to know for security purposes and his email is  john.trojan@raritanval.edu. This is not a lot to ask for the privilege of using RVCC as a starting point.  Mr. Trojan also asks us to use parking Lot#5 and this is the lot where you can park under the solar panels.  The solar panels are a great place to park since they provide shade and protection for your cars.  This information has been added to the RVCC startpoint.  Finally, RVCC has indicated that the Revolutionary Ramble can be held again at RVCC.



The Riverton Belvidere pedestrian bridge will be closed from July 22 until August 25.  Thanks to Bill Kolano for bringing this to our attention.

Five-week long walkway closure scheduled to begin July 22 at Riverton-Belvidere Bridge

Sidewalk Shutdown Needed on PA Side for Exigent Repairs to Underlying Wing Wall

BELVIDERE, NJ (Warren County) – The Riverton-Belvidere Bridge’s pedestrian walkway is scheduled to be shut down July 22 so needed repairs can be made to bulging masonry wing walls on the structure’s Pennsylvania side, according to the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission.

Once started, the walkway closure is estimated to remain in place without interruption for up to 35 days. Weather permitting, that means pedestrian access could be restored by August 25.