Message from the President: April 2nd

April 2, 2020

Hi All

We all joined the Freewheelers for the bike riding.  But we stayed because it brought us into this wonderful community that is amazingly varied in interests, abilities and personalities. The basic idea of just wanting to ride hardly covers what we get by being a part of the amalgam that is the Freewheelers.

By now you have looked at our updated website.  All the functions you are used to are there, perhaps in different places, but they are there.

We also have a new and more useful ability to communicate with each other through Forums and Groups.  I have attached a User Guide to help you get started using these to connect with each other in this strange period of isolation. 

There is a new Group called Going Corona Crazy with a few threads to help us see what the rest of us are doing to cope with the strain and some advice to keep us safe.  Check out the good info from the Potomac Pedalers.

There are also Zwift Group topics and info on how to access the Club membership for RideWithGPS to see the entirety of the MAFW Tour Library.

I’m looking forward to when we can all ride together again.

BTW, I saw a video and figured we all know this song from our younger days.  It’s a hoot. Check it out.

Andrew Stroukoff

Link to Forums User Guide

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