Check back within 2 hrs of Start for changes/cancellations. The number of ride sign-ups may be limited at the ride leader’s discretion and if it is limited, you will see a number in parenthesis after the tour name which indicates the number of sign-ups remaining.

Today 3/12 - Thu 3/13 - Fri 3/14 - Sat 3/15 - Sun 3/16 - Mon 3/17 - Tue 3/18

Start Pace/Terrain/
Starting PointLeaderTour/SignupAverage Climb (ft/mile)Leader CommentsTour Description Tour Notes AttendeesStatus
11:00amC/C/31/823Chatham Township Municipal BuildingBarry Seip1390 - Meyersville/Great Swamp Express 127

This is a newer ride out of CTMB that heads to Loantaka Park and back.

Weather: Sunny / Temps in the high 40s to mid 50s / light wind

Come out and join me for a nice 3o mile ride.  NO REST STOPS planned.

We should be able to finish around 1:30 pm.


A perfect ride for all levels from D to B.   The route is perfect for a leisurely pace to enjoy the beauty of the great swamp or as a pace-line training ride.  The one larger hill on Millbrook Road is purposely included in the first third of the ride while your legs are fresh. Although there are no places to stop for food on this ride, Loantaka Park at Mile 11 is a great place to stop and regroup and take a bathroom break if needed.  The starting point also has a bathroom available if the municipal building is open.

Barry Seip(D+), Dave Hall(C), Fred Bennett(C), Walter Paul(C+), Tom Beringer(C), Ron Polansky(C)ridden
11:05amD+/C/31/823Chatham Township Municipal BuildingManuel Coelho1390 - Meyersville/Great Swamp Express 127  

A perfect ride for all levels from D to B.   The route is perfect for a leisurely pace to enjoy the beauty of the great swamp or as a pace-line training ride.  The one larger hill on Millbrook Road is purposely included in the first third of the ride while your legs are fresh. Although there are no places to stop for food on this ride, Loantaka Park at Mile 11 is a great place to stop and regroup and take a bathroom break if needed.  The starting point also has a bathroom available if the municipal building is open.

Manuel Coelho, Bob Warren(C)scheduled